Electric Multi-Purpose Boat Gets Go Ahead

A second electric multi-purpose boat will soon cruise Utrecht's canals and waterways delivering and collecting freight in April 2012.

The second multi-purpose vessel (MPV) is based on the existing "Beerboat" and comes with several added features including transportation of larger and heavier cargo, waste collection and the ability to empty wheelie bins. 2010 saw the launch of Utrecht’s Beerboat, a zero emission boat, transporting frozen and perishable fresh products. With the arrival of a second boat, options for waterways freight transport increase, reducing CO2 emission and (garbage) trucks in the inner city.  The new vessel is four meters longer than the current Beerboat. Therefore the vessel can also be used by enterprises and individuals for different kinds of waste removals, reconstructions and large material such as big bags. Supported by the European Commission’s CIVITAS MIMOSA project, the multi-purpose boat shows the concept of evolving, efficient and sustainable freight transport in European historical inner cities. For more information, contact Mark Degenkamp. Utrecht is a member of the CIVITAS MIMOSA consortium.

Author: Dominique Simhoffer



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